Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What lies behind GMO activism?

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are defined as living organisms that possess a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology. These techniques, combine DNA molecules from different sources to create a new set of genes. This DNA is then transferred into an organism, giving it modified or novel genes.
Modern biotechnology is being applied in health, industry, environment and Agriculture. For example Plants with combination of genes from different sources which confers resistance to pests and diseases or to herbicides is what Agricultural biotechnology is for.  Although the other areas of modern biotechnology are perceived to be safe and very useful, agricultural biotechnology is receiving a lot of criticism, rejections and activism. There are some reasons to the activism; however they are not limited to the ones below.
The process is shrouded in secrecy, and therefore it is not understood and resisted. Genetic engineering process is very complicated and tedious, it needs some extra work for a normal person to have a clear glimpse of what is being done,  issues related to intellectual property rights, IPR contributes to the secrecy and maybe public fear.
The general knowledge on biotechnology is not well understood by the general public. Studies show that if the knowledge about or experience of a topic is low chances are people will base their perceptions on already present global attitudes
Exposure to misinformation, fear of unknown environmental and health consequences of genetically modified crops
Perceptions are also linked to certain beliefs or a group in a community. Family, friends, class and culture have a huge influence on consumers’ perception and altitude.
==information is the most priceless thing; most of the controversy are because of misinformation or lack of the information. Lang et al. (2003) observed that public fears about bioengineering would be overcome if the public were given more genuine information. This is very important to Tanzania because the farming population in the country is aging and productivity per unit area of land needs to be increased to make farming more attractive to the younger generation and provide adequate amounts of food for the increasing population. It’s about time the responsible authorities should start taking serious actions.
Ernest Madard
May 2014

GM food labeling, a means to create more earning, and increase price of GM products

The abundance of food today and in the last years is being taken for granted; just because we have enough food does not mean we are not going to run out of it, the human population is growing very fast. There is no point of taking this surplus for granted, for example, in one study Jerry caulder (1998), reported that on any given day, the U.S has less than forty five days of food supplies, and these supplies are viewed as “surplus”. In contrast, two hundred years of oil supplies are viewed as a “strategic reserve’’. How can this be? Who is actually deciding on behalf of the public? Is Oil more important than food?
Basically there is a problem on how food issues are communicated to the public, a few people suffering from malnutrition or hunger is newsworthy while preventing billions from ever running such risk is not. We have lacked proper regulations on who precisely should decide which food is safer to eat and which one isn’t. This case of poor science is now affecting biotechnology advancement, especially with food LABELING.
Technically food labeling is supposed to provide important information to consumers, based on underlying scientific facts and not prejudice. Years back blood was labeled “Caucasian” or “colored” now this had nothing to do with the blood composition; it was only based on social prejudice. Labeling foods differently, simply because they are genetically engineered, is just another expression of prejudice.
Labeling is very useful and desirable when accurate, valuable information is communicated to the user/public.  For example genetically engineered cotton has been made to produce fibers, if valuable information is put about fibers’ reaction with other chemicals; that could be useful to consumers. Long shelf life tomatoes can be labeled to provide valuable information as well. In this case labeling should be used to communicate important information about services within the product, and this information is of economic value to the consumer.
Today there are thousands of food products derived from genetically engineered Soybeans,  and they are consumed by the public. If it is labeling, should we label every product individually just because genetically modified soybean was used as a raw material? Should we label chicken that fed on genetically modified corn? Should we label Milk from a cow that fed on genetically modified maize?  Who should be responsible for labeling these products? What criteria do we use to reach the conclusion of what is safe to eat and what is not? What information does the public have to make informed decisions on these labeled products (since labels have no information)? Other than science what rules do we use to guide us? Who actually pays for the label on food?
==labels with no information content are doing nothing rather than imposing costs to consumers.
Ernest Medard
May 2014

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ten Lessons from Biotechnology Experiences in Developing Countries

The Asian Biotechnology and Development Review has published an article, "Ten Lessons from Biotechnology Experiences in Crops, Livestock, and Fish for Smallholders in Developing Countries." Written by James D. Dargie, John Ruane, and Andrea Sonnino, the article is a project by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 
The FAO commissioned a unique series of 19 case studies where agricultural biotechnologies were used to serve the needs of smallholders in developing countries. Most involved a single crop, livestock or fish species and a single biotechnology. From the case studies, ten general and interrelated lessons were drawn that could be used to inform and assist policymakers when deciding on potential interventions involving biotechnologies for smallholders.
Some of the lessons are:
  • the need for government commitment and backing from donors and international agencies;
  • the need for partnerships, both nationally and internationally, but also with the farmers themselves; and,
  • the recognition that long-term investments in science and technology are critical, as is the appropriate integration of biotechnologies with science-based and traditional knowledge.
The study also found that planning, monitoring, and evaluation of biotechnology applications was weak and should be strengthened.
The article is available for download at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/019/as351e/as351e.pdf.

ISAAA Brief 46-2013: Top Ten Facts

ISAAA releases Top Ten Facts about Biotech/GM Crops in 2013, a Special Edition of Crop Biotech Update March 5 issue. We encourage you to translate and/or use the information therein to develop news articles for publication in tri-media in your own country, with proper attribution to ISAAA.

FACT # 1. 2013 was the 18th year of successful commercialization of biotech crops.

Biotech crops were first commercialized in 1996. Hectarage of biotech crops increased every single year between 1996 to 2013, with 12 years of double-digit growth rates, reflecting the confidence and trust of millions of risk-averse farmers around the world, in both developing and industrial countries. Remarkably, since the first plantings in 1996, an unprecedented cumulative hectarage of more than1.5 billion hectares have been successfully cultivated, an area that is 50% more than the total land mass of China or the United States.

FACT # 2. Biotech crop hectares increased by more than 100-fold from 1.7 million hectares in 1996, to over 175 million hectares in 2013.

This makes biotech crops the fastest adopted crop technology in recent times – the reason – they deliver benefits. In 2013, hectarage of biotech crops grew by 5 million hectares, at an annual growth rate of 3%. It is important to note that more modest annual gains, and continued plateauing, are predicted for the next few years due to the already optimal (between 90% and 100%) adoption rates for the principal biotech crops, leaving little or no room for expansion.

FACT # 3. Number of countries growing biotech crops and stacked traits.

Of the 27 countries which planted biotech crops in 2013, 19 were developing and 8 were industrial countries. Stacked traits occupied 47.1 million hectares, or 27%.

FACT # 4. For the second consecutive year, in 2013, developing countries planted more hectares than industrial countries.

Notably, developing countries grew more, 54% (94 million hectares) of global biotech crops in 2013 than industrial countries at 46% (81 million hectares). Successful public/private partnerships were established by several countries including Brazil, Bangladesh and Indonesia.

FACT # 5. Number of farmers growing biotech crops.

In 2013, a record 18 million farmers, up 0.7 million from 2012, grew biotech crops – remarkably over 90%, or over 16.5 million, were small resource-poor farmers in developing countries. Farmers are the masters of risk-aversion and improve productivity through sustainable intensification (confining cultivation to the 1.5 billion hectares of cropland and thereby saving the forests and biodiversity). In 2013, a record 7.5 million small farmers in China and another 7.3 million in India, elected to plant more than 15 million hectares of Bt cotton, because of the significant benefits it offers. In 2013, almost 400,000 small farmers in the Philippines benefited from biotech maize.

FACT # 6. The top 5 countries planting biotech crops – deployment of the first drought tolerant maize and stacked HT/IR soybean.

The US continued to be the lead country with 70.1 million hectares, with an average ~90% adoption across all crops. Importantly, the first biotech drought tolerant maize was planted by 2,000 US farmers on 50,000 hectares. Brazil was ranked second, and for the fifth consecutive year, was the engine of growth globally, increasing its hectarage of biotech crops more than any other country – an impressive record increase of 3.7 million hectares, up 10% from 2012, reaching 40.3 million hectares. Brazil also planted the first stacked HT/IR soybean in a record-breaking 2.2 million hectare launch, and its home-grown virus-resistant biotech bean is ready for commercialization. Argentina retained its third place with 24.4 million hectares. India, which displaced Canada for the fourth place had a record 11 million hectares of Bt cotton with an adoption rate of 95%. Canada was fifth at 10.8 million hectares with decreased plantings of canola but maintained a high adoption rate of 96%. In 2013, each of the top 5 countries planted more than 10 million hectares providing a broad, solid foundation for future growth.

FACT # 7. Status of biotech crops in Africa.

The continent continued to make progress with South Africa benefiting from biotech crops for more than a decade. Both Burkina Faso and Sudan increased their Bt cotton hectarage by an impressive 50% and 300%, respectively, in 2013. Seven countries (Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria and Uganda) conducted field trials, the penultimate step prior to approval for commercialization. Importantly, the WEMA project is scheduled to deliver the first biotech drought tolerant maize to Africa in 2017. The lack of appropriate, science-based and cost/time-effective regulatory systems continues to be the major constraint to adoption. Responsible, rigorous but not onerous, regulation is needed, particularly for small and poor developing countries.

FACT # 8. Status of biotech crops in the EU.

Five EU countries planted a record 148,013 hectares of biotech Bt maize, up 15% from 2012. Spain led the EU with 136,962 hectares of Bt maize, up 18% from 2012 with a record 31% adoption rate in 2013.

FACT # 9. Benefits offered by biotech crops.

From 1996 to 2012, biotech crops contributed to Food Security, Sustainability and the Environment/Climate Change by: increasing crop production valued at US$116.9 billion; providing a better environment, by saving 497 million kg a.i. of pesticides; in 2012 alone reducing CO2 emissions by 26.7 billion kg, equivalent to taking 11.8 million cars off the road for one year; conserving biodiversity by saving 123 million hectares of land from 1996-2012; and helped alleviate poverty for >16.5 million small farmers and their families totalling >65 million people, who are some of the poorest people in the world. Biotech crops are essential but are not a panacea and adherence to good farming practices such as rotations and resistance management, are a must for biotech crops as they are for conventional crops.

FACT # 10. Future Prospects.

Cautiously optimistic with more modest annual gains expected due to the already high rates of adoption (90% or more) in the principal biotech crops in mature markets in both developing and industrial countries. Bangladesh, Indonesia and Panama approved biotech crop planting in 2013 with plans for commercialization in 2014.

Peanut Gets an Upgrade Against Drought and Salinity

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the economically important oil and food crops. Peanut is generally grown across a wide range of environments including rain-fed conditions. Because of this, drought is a main limiting factor to peanut production in the semi-arid areas. The development of salinity and drought stress-tolerant peanut to exploit the drought-prone and salinity-affected areas of the world has been imperative these past years. Now, mannitol may just be the thing that would make it a reality.
Mannitol accumulation in most plants works for the alleviation of salinity and osmotic-induced stresses. However, it is not naturally synthesized in peanut. The mtlD gene (from Escherichia coli) codes for an enzyme that converts fructose 2 with 6-phosphate to mannitol1-phosphate. Peanuts transformed with mtlD were evaluated for salinity and drought stress tolerance. The overexpression of the mtlD gene translated to the transgenic peanuts' improved tolerance to salinity and drought. This was revealed by better growth and physiological parameters like mannitol content, total chlorophyll content, and relative water content in transgenic peanuts.
The better performance of the transgenic plants was attributed to the stress-shielding role of mannitol. However, the mtlD expression causing the activation of other protective reactions in transgenic peanut may also be possible

 Read more at: http://www.cropj.com/thankappan_8_3_2014_413_421.pdf.

Punctured-hypocotyl Method of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation

Tomato productivity has always been constrained because of abiotic stresses. Transgenic tomatoes are presently being developed to minimize these losses due to abiotic stresses. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is the most common approach to producing transgenic tomato. However, the effectiveness of the present methods were limited to only a few tomato cultivars. Hence, we still need an appropriate, simple and general procedure effective across all cultivars. Wounding methods, such as puncturing with a syringe needle, may just be the answer.
Using Indian tomato hypocotyl explants, the efficiencies of the punctured-hypocotyl method as well as normal immersion method of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were compared. All factors influencing transformation efficiency, such as Agrobacterium density and co-cultivation time, were optimized. The transgene integration of the tomato genome was confirmed by PCR and Southern hybridization. Transformation efficiency was found to be greater with the punctured-hypocotyl method compared to the normal immersion method.
This newly developed method is simple, efficient and could be used to transfer important agronomic genes into the tomato genome for the potential improvement in terms of quality and quantity.
read more on http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304423813006237

Monday, March 17, 2014

Tanzania biotech debate heats up

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania – The government has been advised to play its part by creating conducive environment so as to enable local researchers to do their job on the merit and shortcoming of biotech crops.
The adoption of biotech crops has been a contentious debate in Tanzania. Scientists say the technology has no health effects as it has been propagated by activists while policy makers are hesitant to make a decision either way.
The ongoing debate has caused panic among many farmers who due to bad weather have suffered poor harvests.
According to a study by the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC), titled ‘Planting the future: opportunities and challenges for using crop genetic improvement technologies for sustainable agriculture,’ a billion people on this planet experience hunger.
The EASAC study goes on to state that another billion eat a diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals.
According to the study, as the debate on GM technology continues, the world’s population continues to grow and, over the next 40 years, agricultural production will have to increase by some 60%.
But several Ugandan and Tanzanian scientists say the future is bright because these challenges can beaten by GM technology.
“What is missing is the government willingness to allow the widely use of biotech crops,” Chief Researcher, from the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), Dr Nicholaus Nyange said.
Dr Nyange said, biotech crops could be used as an alternative to solve the said challenges that have been facing Africa farmers most of the time. The issue of climate change, drought and disease.
In Uganda, Head of the Biotechnology Centre at Kawanda, Dr. Andrew Kiggundu said they have developed new varieties of bananas resistant to the devastating banana bacterial wilt disease, nematodes and weevils.
Dr Kiggundu told a group of Ugandan and Tanzania journalists, who toured the centre as part of their field trip to learn about biotech organized by the Bioscience for Farming in Africa, that the new varieties developed in collaboration with the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, are still being monitored in confined field trial gardens at the research institute.
The Kawanda’s researchers have also fortified yellow bananas (Ndiizi), mostly eaten as fruits, with Vitamin A, Zinc and Iron.
The three nutrients, essential for proper growth in children, intellectual development and supply of blood in the body, were got from genes of maize and a special type of foreign bananas called Aspina.
“Banana is a staple food. Some people can eat bananas daily but still lack these nutrients. A number of children are stunted while many expectant mothers die due to lack of enough blood. This is what the new varieties are to address,” Kiggundu said.
Although genetic modification has attracted the closest attention, it is only one of a clutch of new breeding technologies to have been developed in recent decades. The term GM is generally taken to mean the introduction into an organism of genetic material from a different species.
The Managing Director of Tanseed International, Isaka Mashauri said last week recently the government has to allow farmers to choose the seeds they want, whether traditional or biotech crops.
According to Mashauri, who his firm engaged in quality seed production and marketing of crop varieties, the ongoing debate about GM technology is confusing farmers. “Farmers are in dilemma now,” Mashauri said.
“What the government has to do, is to create  a conducive environment for researchers to do their job, so that farmers will be able to know the bad and good of biotech crops,”
The scientists are the only the communities that could clearly articulate the consequences of research findings and the opportunities for agricultural innovation,” Dr Nyange said.
He said the regulatory framework for crop genetic improvement technologies must be reformulated appropriately to be science-based, transparent, proportionate and predictable, taking into account the extensive experience gained and good practice implemented worldwide.
According to Mashauri, if the government will be able to explain the pros and cons of using biotech crops will help farmers decide on whether to adopt the technology or not.
He said that people are hesitant to use biotech crops because they do not know their impacts on their lives, urging the government to impart more knowledge on the organisms.
The global value of biotech seed alone was $13.2 billion in 2011, with the end product of commercial grain from biotech maize, soybean grain and cotton valued at approximately $160 billion or more per year.
Players in agriculture business markets include seed companies, agrochemical companies, distributors, farmers, grain elevators, and universities that develop new crops and whose agricultural extensions advise farmers on best practices
source: East african business week website

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Medicinal Power of Human Urine!

The title of the article itself must have caught a good deal of your attention! Most of you probably might have been getting a yuck! feeling imagining the consumption of Human Urine as a Medicine! But it's true! Human Urine is more than just an excretory-waste liquid thrown out of the body a couple of times a day.
Rather, there are companies making Billions of dollars by selling drugs extracted from Human Urine, and there are instances in the world where people have been cured of diseases like chronic cystitis drinking their own Urine! So, the focus of this article is to deliver insights into the concept of Human Urine as a Medicine.

"Urine is Sterile Liquid!"

Firstly, one should get rid of the notion that Urine might be containing a lot of contamination/microbes. Human Urine is aseptic and ultra-sterile. Only those humans, suffering from some UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) tend to excrete microbe infected urine. Otherwise, Human Urine is free of infectious organisms. So, this removes one of the key hurdles towards use of urine as a medicine.

Human Urine is Free of Toxic Metabolites
Another important fact one should be aware of is that " Human Urine is Free of Toxic Metabolites" It's the job of Human Liver to detoxify the blood (not of kidneys) of toxic metabolites generated upon digestion of food/medicinal intake. The toxins are then excreted out of the body as fecal matter (not in urine). Urine is rather produced in the kidneys, where the job of nephrons (cells, functional unit of kidneys), is to mediate the filtration of blood to rid it off excess urea, salts, Zinc, Iron, Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium, Some Pigments, vitamins, Hormones, Amino Acids,Glucose, and water, to maintain Homeostasis (a condition of balance) in the body.

An Important Point About Urine
It's just a liquid secreted by body to expel excess "important substances" out of the body. Almost every component excreted in urine has a role to play in human body, but it's excreted out only because body has a particular threshold requirement of every element, any amount in excess is needless, and is excreted if that cannot be stored (Best example being vitamins and hormones, which are never stored in body. If they are in excess, they will be coming out of the body in Urine.

Medicinal Components in Urine
Needless to say, almost every component in human urine has a potential to be a medicine (depending upon the cases/deficits). Here are a few categories:

A. Enzymes
Pharma companies are always hankering after the ways to extract enymes/proteins out of the human urine. They are one of the billion dollars components of the urine. Best example to cite this is " Urokinase" an enzyme extracted from urine which is a miracle drug for dissolving blood clots in coronary arteries.

B. Urea
One of the key components excreted out of body in urine. Owing to it's moisturizing capabilities, it's a key constituent of world renowned creams/lotions. Most of you must have used or known someone having used MURINE EAR & EYE DROPS? Well, they are used to moisturize the eyes/ears (rest goes needless to say I guess).

C. Hormones
Another component(s) of Urine with a billion dollar market cap! All the excess hormones like testosterone, FSH, LH etc are secreted in urine. And, each of these is a routine part of Hormone therapy of billions of people round the globe! A popular fertility drug obtained from urine, named "Pergonal" which is a mixture of follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) and Luteinizing hormone (LH) had a starting market of $800 million in 1992 only. One can easily imagine the size of market it might have covered till date!

D. Vitamins and Amino Acids
Alanine, Arginine, Ascorbic acid, Biotin, Folic acid, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Inositol,Lysine, Methionine, Nitrogen, Pantothenic acid, Phenylalaline, Riboflavin, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 are some of the common excretory products of urine, but all of them indispensable for the body.
The reason behind Bear Grylls' (Man Vs Wild, Discovery Channel) recommendation for taking your own urine when there's nothing else to survive on, is very valid. Your urine has a lot to contribute to your body in extreme situations of drought/food shortage!

E. Tendency to Free an Allergic Person from Allergies
Research has proved that due to the fact that urine has the antigen receptors responsible for causing allergic responses in a person suffering from allergy to a particular antigen, if the person is made to drink his/her own urine, he/she may develop antibodies against the antigen that can rid him/her off future inflammations! (An immunity to allergy!)

There's a lot one can explore about the medicinal properties of human urine (in India, people are rather obsessed for Cow's Urine too), this was just an attempt to bring a fact into picture.

Antibiotic-resistance genes in viruses in fossilised 14th century human faecal sample

A discovery of viruses harbouring antibiotic-resistance genes in fossilised faecal samples dating from the 14th century could have implications not only for microbiologists but also for archaeologists, historians and anthropologists. The discovery was made by French researchers who studied samples from latrines from the period uncovered during an urban renewal project in the city of Namur in Belgium. The study is published ahead of print in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

The viruses found in the coprolites (fossilised faecal samples) are phages, i.e. viruses that infect bacteria rather than eukaryotes. These phages were examined by a mixture of “electron microscopy, high-throughput sequencing and suicide PCR approaches” according to corresponding author Christelle Desnues of Aix Marseille Université. The presence of the phages in the coprolites indicates that they would also have been present in the gastrointestinal tract. Many of the phage sequences identified were related to phages known in modern times to infect bacteria commonly identified in stools, including both harmless, helpful and pathogenic bacteria.

The findings revealed that the phages carried genes for antibiotic resistance, long before antibiotics were used therapeutically. The phages also carried toxin-resistance genes. Both antibiotics and toxins are commonly found in nature. The authors believe that these resistance genes would have protected gut bacteria. In this regard, they would have been essential in maintaining gut metabolism and health as the helpful bacteria inhabiting the gut and other body areas are important in human health. The results are consistent with other studies, for example of the human oral microbiome in skeletons of 1000 years old in which antibiotic-resistance genes were also found.

The phages in the coprolites differed taxonomically those within modern human faecal samples. However, Dr Desnues says that functionally their role has conserved. This adds weight to the hypothesis that the viral community in the human gastrointestinal tract play a fundamental role which has been conserved over centuries, despite dramatic changes in human diet and living conditions. The researchers are currently expanding their studies to fungi and parasites in the coprolites.


Press release from American Society for Microbiology; available at http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2...022714.php [Accessed 28 February 2014].

APPELT, S., FANCELLO, L., LE BAILLY, M., RAOULT, D., DRANCOURT, M. and DESNUES, C., 2014. Viruses in a 14th-century coprolite. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. published ahead of print 7 February 2014 doi:10.1128/AEM.03242-13

WARINNER, C., RODRIGUES, J.F.M., VYAS, C., TRACHSEL, R., SHVED, N., GROSSMANN, J., RADINI, A., HANCOCK, Y., TITO, R.Y., FIDDYMENT, S., SPELLER, M., HENDY, J., CHARLTON, S., LUDER, H.U., SALAZAR-GARCÍA, D.C., EPPLER, E., SEILER, R., HANSEN, L.H., SAMANIEGO CASTRUITA, J.A., BARKOW-OESTERREICHER, S., TEOH, K.Y., KELSTRUP, C.D., OLSEN, J.V., NANNI, P., KAWAI, T., WILLERSLEV, E., VON MERING, C., LEWIS JR, C.M., COLLINS, M.J., GILBERT, M.T.P., RÜHLI, F. and CAPPELLINI, E., 2014. Pathogens and host immunity in the ancient human oral cavity. Nature Genetics 2014; doi:10.1038/ng.2906 (Advance online publication).

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Top 10 most innovative biotech companies in the world

Biotechnology is multidisciplinary field that can be divided into 4 more specific areas, using color coding system. Red biotechnology is dedicated to design as much products and devices related to the medical field as possible. Green is focused on agricultural improvements and environmental protection. Blue is using ocean resources to develop various products (from food to fuels…) and white is focused on industrial processes. Out of 4 fields mentioned - red biotechnology is the most profitable: billion dollars are spent each year for research and development in medical field.

Here’s the list of 10 most innovative biotech companies and short info on their main research areas.

Life technologies

Life technologies is headquartered in Carlsbad, California. It’s founded in 2008, have ~11 000 employees and is highly profitable. 2011 revenue was 3.7 billion dollars. They are developing lab equipment for all kind of genetic testing (Applied Biosystems), products for isolation, quantification and amplifications of RNA (Ambion), biologic drug production associated materials (Gibco), DNA and biology associated products (Invitrogen), molecular probes under the same brand name, products for purification, separation and analysis of proteins (Novex), products used for gene expression experiments (TaqMan) and ion semiconductor DNA sequencing system (Ion Torrent). They have offices in more than 60 countries worldwide.


Genentech is pioneer of biotechnology industry. Founded in 1976 with headquarter in South San Francisco. It has over 11 000 employees and as from 2009 it is wholly owned subsidiary of Roche. All scientist, researchers and post-docs are focused on 5 main research areas: oncology, neuroscience, tissue growth and repair, immunology and infectious diseases.

Bug Agentes Biologicos

Company is founded in 1999 and based in Piracicaba, Brazil. It’s focused on development of natural pesticide replacements. Main products are predatory insect eggs and parasitoids used for crop protection. Those are mainly used for soy field’s protection.


Amyris is founded in 2003 and it’s focused on providing sustainable alternatives to petroleum derived products. Plant sugar is starting point. It undergoes industrial conversion into various hydrocarbons that will be used for renewable products development later used in cosmetic and polymer industry, for lubricants, flavors….even for jet fuel. Headquarter is in Emeryville, California.

GE (GE Healthcare)

GE Healthcare is only division of GE business that is headquartered outside the USA, in Little Chalfont, United Kingdom. It’s founded in 2004 and it’s focused on medical imaging and diagnostics (equipment they are manufacturing is ranging from X rays to magnetic resonance), drug discovery, pharmaceutical manufacturing…

Diagnostics for all

Diagnostics for all is non-profit organization founded in 2007. Idea was to help solve medical issues in developing and resource poor countries all over the world by creating a simple and cheap diagnostic device - patterned paper. Small piece of paper covered with biological and chemical assays reagent is cheap and fast way to test yourself. By applying small amount of biological fluids, assay zone is changing the color that should be compared with reference color on the device. Money they need for testing, research and manufacture is provided through public donations.

The Plant

The Plant is building in Chicago most famous for being first vertical farm. Vertical farming is becoming very popular as the number of people living in urban area is growing rapidly. The Plant produces aquaponic vegetables. Fertilizers (necessary for proper plant development) are derived from algae that are consuming waste. Idea is to create building that will have net zero energy and waste (level of produced and consumed energy and waste should be equal).

Cellular Dynamics International

Cellular Dynamics International is founded in 2004 with headquarter in Madison, Wisconsin. Company is manipulating with stem cells to produce tissues of various kinds that will be used for drug development process, for tissue engineering or organ regeneration purposes. Roche is using iCell for drug screening.


Humacyte is founded in 2004 in Morrisville, North Carolina. Research is focused on vascular diseases and soft tissue repair application (vein graft development). Human, extracellular matrix derived tissue would help decrease inflammation, clotting and thrombosis, foreign body response after implantation in the body and would demand fewer surgical interventions that are necessary when conventional methods are used.

Harvard Bioscience

Harvard Bioscience is founded over 100 years ago in Holliston, Massachusetts. Company is manufacturing different kind of instruments and equipment that is used in life science and regenerative medicine fields (such as molecular, cellular, and physiology research). Some of the most interesting HB products are artificial trachea, synthetic windpipe and organs made out of body’s own cells. They have 20 wholly owned subsidiaries.

Now when you know their names and research goals – you just have to choose one that suits you the best.
source: bioinovative

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Panama Disease - A Growing Threat to Worldwide Banana Production

A variant of the fungal plant disease Fursarium wilt or Panama disease, which has been causing serious damage to banana crops in South-East Asia, has been found to have spread to Jordan, according to a new study in the journal Plant Disease. Panama disease is caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc). This development increases concerns that banana crops worldwide could be under threat, with the potential for devastating economic and human cost in areas including Latin America and Africa.

In the previous century, Foc ravaged banana plantations in Latin America, which were based on the ‘Gros Michel’ cultivar. This cultivar was replaced by Cavendish cultivars, which were resistant to Foc. However, in 1992 a new Foc variant termed tropical race 4 (TR4) was identified in South-East Asia which affects the Cavendish clones. TR4 has spread throughout the region and concern has grown that it may spread to other regions including Latin America and Africa. In Africa, bananas represent a vital dietary component and any threat to bananas would have huge consequences in terms of food security in the region.

The outbreak in Jordan was confirmed to be TR4 by the research group of Dr. Gert Kema of Plant Research International B.V/ Wageningen University in the Netherlands in collaboration with the University of Florida and centres in Jordan including Plant Protection (NCARE) and the University of Jordan. Selective culturing techniques followed by total DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were employed by the Dutch group on the Jordanian samples and the disease-causing agent was confirmed as TR4 after comparison to control samples. The researchers point out that this is the first confirmed outbreak of TR4 affecting Cavendish cultivars outside South-East Asia and is the most northerly outbreak. Some 80% of Jordanian banana plantations are now affected by Panama disease. Dr Kema is concerned at what this spread represents in terms of international banana cultivation and has stated that "A concerted international approach is now needed to prevent the spread of Panama disease and, in the worst-case scenario, contain it."


GARCIA, F.A., ORDONEZ, N., KONKOL, J., ALQASEM, M., NASER, Z., ABDELWALI, M., SALEM, N.M., WAALWIJK, C., PLOETZ, R.C. and KEMA, G., 2013. First Report of Fusarium oxysporumf. sp.cubenseTropical Race 4 associated with Panama Disease of banana outside Southeast Asia. Plant Disease, 2013: DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-13-0954-PDN

Using biological control technologies on maize seeds to increase yields for smallholder farmers.

Joseph Oduor a farmer from South Alego location in Siaya County in Western Kenya is a constantly disappointed man. Poor yields from farming maize over the years have demotivated him. His biggest challenge as with many other farmers in the region is pests and diseases that reduce yields during harvest.
According to statistics from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), maize accounts for 30−50% of low-income household expenditures in eastern and Southern Africa and 85% of its production is used as food.
Joseph cannot afford to buy certified maize seeds. At Kshs. 300 (equivalent to USD 4) on average for a kilogram of certified seed, buying certified seed is prohibitive for smallholder farmers who have to do with less than USD 1.25 a day.
This also applies to use of pesticides, which for farmers like Joseph would mean digging deeper into their pockets for their already constrained resources. Pesticide use also creates further problems like health complications as not many smallholder farmers can afford the protective gear required and negative impact on the environment.
Joseph has to do with recycled maize seeds from previous harvests or seed borrowed from his fellow farmers. Traditionally in sub-Saharan Africa, up to 90% of smallholder farmers use recycled seeds. Due to poor storage practices farmers fail to get expected results.
Bio-Innovate’s project 7 on “Bio-enhanced seeds” is developing technologies for producing seeds and seedlings bio-enhanced with bio-control agents to reduce the impact of biotic and abiotic production constraints in crops, with the focus being to benefit resource-poor farmers. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) working with Real IPM a private company are implementing the project. The biological controls or bio-pesticides are bacterial or fungal microorganisms that naturally control specific pests and diseases. In the case of this innovation, the bio-pesticides are produced and distributed in powder form with usage instructions. The famer produces a solution by mixing the powder with water which he or she coats the seeds prior to planting. The advantage of bio-pesticides over conventional inorganic pesticides is that they are less toxic, are pest specific, and decompose quickly.
Reduced pests and diseases translate to improved yields from the farms. In addition, certain bio-pesticides have proven to have properties that increase yields by improving the plants ability to burrow deeper for water and nutrients, a useful trait particularly in drought conditions.
Collins Wanyama the representative of Real IPM in Nyanza in Western Kenya has been in the heart of engaging farmers in the bio-pesticide on-farm trial runs. From his experience, farmers are very passionate about their work. However, they tend to stick to old practices some of which may be in variance with recommended crop management e.g. recycling seeds. The team has therefore found ways of injecting new ideas but cognizant of the tradition and habits of smallholder famers.
“The bio-pesticide solutions are highly scientific and explaining how they work is a challenge for field officers working with the farmers,” Collins added. “Also running field trials in the open farms and not in controlled environments like in greenhouses has proven to be daunting”.
In addition, there are the lengthy legislation procedures that need to be followed before the bio-pesticides can be commercialized. With all these challenges, Real IPM has a lot of ground to cover before the bio-pesticide can be available to all farmers who would need it.
In Mundika sub-location in Busia County, Lennox Barasa another maize farmer has been participating in the Real IPM field trials. So far he has participated in three trials, which according to him “offers an affordable alternative to use of pesticides in farming maize.”
The Bio-Innovate Program is happy with the progress thus far. The collaboration between JKUAT and Real IPM has been rewarding. The team is also looking to apply this innovation to tomato and eggplant seeds, which are popular horticultural choices in the current project phase.

Source:  Bioinnovate-africa

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Prevent Sleeping Sickness with Genetically Engineered Bacteria

The use of the genetically engineered bacterium Sodalis glossinidius against the parasite Trypanosoma brucei could be a solution to control and prevent the fatal disease “sleeping sickness”.

African trypanosomiasis commonly called as sleeping sickness is a deadly endemic disease native of Africa. The disease is been continuously reported in majority of the population and the outcome of a recent study on the risk of infection among the population revealed the fact that about 69.3 million people are in the risk category of being infected.

Sleeping sickness is a parasitic infection caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei. Tsetse flies acts as a host for this particular protozoan species and aids the transmission of this parasite into humans through bites. Trypanosoma brucei enters the blood stream of a healthy individual following a bite by the tsetse fly and continue to multiply in the body fluid of the infected individual and has the potential to cross the blood brain barrier thus affecting the brain of the infected individual. Infection by this parasite deteriorates both physical and mental health of the individual and causes some disturbance in the regular sleep pattern, thus acquiring the name sleeping sickness. Also the transmission of the parasite from human to the tsetse fly occurs when the fly stings an infected person.

The rate of infection is accelerating due to the lack of proper prevention and treatment methods. Recently US research scientists spelled out the names of two bacteria Sodalis glossinidius which forms a part of the gut flora of the tsetse fly and Wolbachia which is established in the reproductive system of the fly as tools to prevent and control the Trypanosoma brucei infection. As a first step Sodalis glossinidius is genetically modified to express resistance to the Trypanosome brucei parasites present in the fly and with an effort to pass on the genetically reconstructed bacteria Sodalis glossinidius to successive fly population (progeny), the team used Wolbachia as a tool. Paratransgenesis is the method used which will ensure the absence of the parasite in successive progeny of the fly.The outcome of the research is identified as a fruitful approach in eliminating the deadly disease if established properly.

If the above discovery gets acknowledged in eradicating sleeping sickness then it will pave way for eradicating other insect transmitted diseases (e.g. Malaria) in a similar manner.



The Green Revolution in Sub-Saharan Africa

The term green revolution refers to all the technological developments that happened in the field of agriculture in the 1960s. This revolution started during the neo-colonial era when agriculture was viewed as a commercial activity rather than a subsistence activity led Norman Borlaug-a green revolution father. Green revolution started with a single private-public experiment with the Mexican wheat. Although the term Green Revolution initially meant development in wheat and rice, high yielding varieties have since then been incorporated in the system. These crops include major crops in developing countries such as sorghum, cassava, millet, maize, beans and millet. However, this historic transformation of traditional farming methods was not universal as it did not continue in Africa at that time.

Sub Saharan Africa contains sixteen countries of the eighteen most undernourished countries worldwide. This is because that region registers a continually worsening per-capita production of food yearly. This is happening despite having the largest population predominantly practicing small scale farming, being the most hunger and poverty stricken region and being the continent that receives the most attention from the international community.

In low-income regions elsewhere in the world like Colombia and Asia , the introduction of fertilizer, high-yield seeds and small-scale irrigation that began in the mid-1960s boosted food productivity and opened the escape route from extreme poverty for huge populations. This agricultural takeoff in sub-Saharan is an urgent need and a possibility. This part of Africa faces a myriad of challenges that can only be resolved by introduction of new methods that can revamp agricultural production so as to enable the region cater for its immensely growing population. Sub-Saharan Africa experiences perennial droughts, animal and plant diseases, environmental degradation and climatic change, depletion on soil nutrients, soaring world food prices, political instabilities, pestilence and lack of personnel to help in revamping this important sector in the economy.

In this 21st century, The Rockefeller Foundation started a six-year program on improved crop varieties in Africa. This was based on specific pillars that have seen a major advancement in food security especially in East and South African countries. Cultivation of local talent in plant science, scientific development of more productive fertilizers and crops, modern farming methods, appropriate agricultural policies and getting government’ commitment on agriculture, creating conducive agricultural environments and irrigation were the main structures that were put in place to ensure the six-year plan was a success.

Through African agricultural research institutions, the idea of green revolution has been greatly boosted in the advancement of Norman Borlaug’s idea. Through institutions like the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) funded by the Bill & Melinda Gate Foundation, the Rockeffeler Foundation and other government sponsored institutions and universities, having African scientists have rolled their sleeves in the quest of this achievement.

Among the major achievements attained by this program, it has supported the development and release of more than one hundred new crop varieties, dozens of which is a breeding of a breakthrough rice variety that is proved equal to the challenges facing other rice farmers in Africa such as weeds, pests, weeds, drought and diseases that have hindered the rice farming for decades. Since the 1990s, new varieties have been developed including the New Rice for Africa or Nerica among others that are now been cultivated on more than 350 000 acres in the sub-Saharan African countries. These crop varieties have proved successful and sustainable in this hostile African environment.

Nerica, besides its advantages in food supply and source of income, it has far-reaching social effects. It has a short growth cycle, weed, disease and pest resistant. However, the Nerica program has been beset by problems getting the rice into the hands of farmers, and to date the only success has been in Guinea where it currently accounts for 16% of rice cultivation

The introduction of the Green revolution in Africa has however faced challenges that have seen it less successful. Some of the major reasons stated as hindering the revolution include insecurity, widespread corruption, and lack of proper infrastructure, land partitioning, lack of knowledge and general lack of political good will from African governments to appreciate and incorporate agricultural biotechnology in their farming habits. Poor infrastructure has posed a challenge in that farmers in the remote areas can no longer access modern and high-yielding farm inputs that are resistant to the hostile environmental conditions. In Africa, there is a more diverse range of suitable crops that fits the climate and soils. This makes engineering of farm inputs difficult. Yet it is possible to develop these higher-yielding crops suitable to Africa’s diverse regions, especially if the region’s farmers become part of the breeding, testing and selection processes in the production path.

Additionally, Africa has fewer teams of trained scientist that are available to put the knowledge into practice for the purposes of large breeding programs. Division of land into small pieces has also hindered the progress of the revolution. These farms favor small scale farming instead of commercial farming.

To achieve their objectives, these foundations have given in to the need of developing genetically engineered seeds and recruitment and training of local African scientists familiar with circumstances on particular areas where they work so as to practice crop-breeding programs. The Rockeffeler foundation is currently supporting 25 crop breeding teams in various agricultural research institutes as well as training 35 to 40 masters’ students and 50 plant breeding doctoral students from Africa in different learning and research institutions in the world. The founders of this foundation, however, recognize that for a full-scale Green Revolution in Africa, there is need to educate more talent so as to multiply the number of output to the desired level.

Monday, February 17, 2014


Before we can proceed to talk about GMOs (Genetically modified organisms) we may need to talk on how they came about. Briefly, a GMO is any organism in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered/modified in a way which does not occur naturally (by mating or recombination) through the use of modern advances in biotechnology.

Biotechnology can be defined in many ways, but according to the convention on Biological Diversity, biotechnology is defined as any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for the specific use. Biotechnology provides a set of tools that, if appropriately integrated with other technologies, can be applied for the sustainable development agriculture, livestock, fisheries, wildlife and forestry, pharmaceutical and medical industries as well as in the protection of the environment.

Modern advances in biotechnology include:

 Genetic engineering – the transfer of specific genes from one organism to another. It is generally defined as the science of altering the genetic material of an organism in order to eliminate undesirable characteristics or to produce desirable new ones. Genetic engineering is used to increase crop and livestock production, to diagnose disease, improve medical treatment through the production of vaccines and other useful drugs; and to help dispose off industrial waste.

 Genetic engineering technology has therefore resulted into the productions of transgenic plants and animals popularly known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) also known as Living modified organisms (LMOs).

 Cloning – the maintenance and growth of genetically uniform plants and animals.

 In Agriculture and food production, more than 20 crop species have been genetically modified using this technology. Most of these modifications have been targeted towards higher production levels through weed, pest and disease management. Genetically engineered crops include maize, soybean, tomato, cotton, tobacco, rice, wheat, canola/rapeseed, potato, squash, and papaya. Most of these crops and/or products thereof are now sold throughout the world.

The questions posed:
Is the Tanzanian general public aware of the advances in biotechnology?
Is Tanzania prepared to meet the challenges of the new technology?
Have you eaten any of the GMO products – knowingly or unknowingly?
If YES, have you felt differently?